Psychological treatment for depression, anxiety and OCD

When you suffer from depression, anxiety or OCD, sometimes it seems like there is no way out. We often have negative core beliefs about ourselves and the world that are at the root of our suffering. When these thoughts are activated, they immediately affect our physiology and lead to feelings of helplessness, despair, fear, guilt, shame and sadness. I use cognitive therapy to help us identify these negative thought patterns, challenge them and develop alternative and healthier thoughts, which in turn prevent the descent into depression and anxiety. I work with a behavioral therapy method to identify triggers in your life for difficult emotions and also those that help you feel better - including nutrition, physical activity, sleep patterns, lifestyle, daily routine and also teach meditation techniques and mindfulness exercises to help you achieve relaxation and well-being. I combine mindfulness and compassionate listening to create an empathic space that also challenges you to make concrete changes in your patterns, thoughts and behaviors. I use techniques of spiritual counseling and internal systems perception (IFS) to help you connect to your strengths, to your smart and healthy core, and to build a strong and secure inner base where you will feel safe, held and loved. I have many years of experience working with clients suffering from depression and anxiety - you You don't have to suffer alone. Change is possible.

There is an option for remote treatment via video

To schedule a free introductory call


by דבי ג'ייקובסון מייזלס 2 September 2021
מוזמנים לקליניקה המחודשת בחנתון בגליל, אני מציעה טיפול שמשלבת CBT, EMDR ומיינדפולנס ומתאימה את הטיפול לצרכים שלך. יש כלים קונקרטים לשפר באופן דרמטי את התסמינים של חרדה ואת הקשיים היומיומיים הנובעים מהפרעת קשב וריכוז. צרו קשר, אשמח לעזור לכם .
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 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

When we are struggling with depression, anxiety or difficult feelings such as helplessness, despair, and guilt - we don't have to struggle alone.
CBT - cognitive behavioral therapy - is a focused way of working to change old patterns, connect to your strengths and ultimately feel calmer, happier and more empowered. We work on identifying negative thought patterns that lead us to feelings of fear, loneliness, self-blame and hopelessness. We learn to develop healthier thoughts and prevent the spiral into depression and anxiety. In parallel, we work on initiating new habits in daily routine, such as exercise, sleep hygiene and healthy nutrition, that directly affect the physiology of the brain and improve depression and anxiety.

Mindfulness-based therapy
Using mindfulness techniques, we learn to listen to our body and breathing. We recognize the voices of self-criticism, judgment and need for control and we practice developing a voice of compassion and acceptance towards ourselves. I will give you meditation exercises to practice at home.
After many years of supporting people dealing with depression, anxiety and psychological problems,  I have seen how cbt and mindfulness based can help clinets make dramatic positive changes in their lives and feel significantly better in a short period of time. 
Please get in touch for more information.

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"Therapy  with Debbie was wonderful and helped me more than I expected. I think I'll feel its effect  long-term"

HB, Akko

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